Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Road to Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

So I want to update my Deep Brain Stimulation experience. To keep this blog manageable, I will do several installments on the topic.

Let's go back a few months when I increased my exercise to about 90 minutes a day and lost about 20 pounds. This was over 10% of my weight and it made moving around easier because my muscles were stronger and the weight to move was lighter. But I started to experience dyskinesia, the involuntary excess movements. So my doctors and I thought more medicine was needed. When we did that, not only was there no improvement, it got a little worse. 

At that point, my doctors suggested Deep Brain Stimulation. I wasn't sure that was needed and my research seemed  to indicate that most DBS was being done on patients who had much worse symptoms. Nevertheless, given the strong recommendation of my doctors, I was ready to start down that road. So yesterday I had my first visit on that  road and which involved getting physically evaluated by the DBS team while my body had not had any meds for almost a full day. The last time that happened was before I started Parkinson's meds over 10 years ago. 

The next installment will explain what happened at that meeting. 

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