Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Yes. We both know it ism't easy. That is the point.

Today I got more feedback from people who know people with Parkinson's disease. People who care about people with PD and want them to get better or at least try. Yet, these Parkinson's afflicted people continue to lie in bed or wait for PD to take away a little more mobility, comfort and quality of life.

If only I could get in front of some of these dismayed souls I just might be able to convince one or two to try my approach and they could feel better almost immediately. I know this not just from my own success in reversing symptoms and maintaining my physique and strength. If you put in the work, you will feel better emotionally and physically. Guaranteed. There are studies that concur.

And if you can't even do that research, then just stare at the ceiling and feel worse tomorrow.


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