Monday, November 19, 2018

Do you spell God as an upper-case word?

I will not be defined by Parkinson’s and I will never allow any disease to get in my way of living my life. I will say that as I get older, people have become more important to me than ideas, things, art, music and God. That is if there is such a thing as the idea known as god. I have been ambivalent over time about God.(  I’m not even sure if it is an upper-case word!) Being a young altar boy in a Massachusetts Parish that harbored a Catholic priest child molester will have that affect on some people. It has with me and, therefore, I reserve the right to be ambivalent. Yet I am told by at least 5 people that they remember me in their prayers and it means so much to me that I can’t explain.  I’m not sure what prayer does or how it works but I believe my life is  better because at least five people pray for me. (I hear you saying, “But you have Parkinson’s. How can you think your life is better? It’s better because I don’t have terminal cancer or Lou Gehrig’s disease.)

People. That is what has become such a cherished idea. I know that I love a growing population of friends, family and new acquaintances. I met a person who falls into that category over the weekend. After speaking with this  person, for some reason, she decided to tell me she would pray for me. If that person reads this, I just want to tell you again that I don’t take your prayers for granted. So, thank you for what you do and who you are.

I think realization of the temporary nature of life, and that no one is getting out of here alive, that causes me to enjoy people more than ever. Loving people is a lot more fun than loving money, for example. (If you also don’t love money, send me what you don’t need and I will get rid of it for you.)

This was another blog installment that ends up being on a topic I did not intend to cover when I started today. But it was worth expressing. I think a lot about a lot of people. 
The photo is of some people near the Oculus in New York City.

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