Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I intend to beat back Parkinson's sympton's if it kills me.

To keep my promise to let you know what I am doing, here is the latest. There is a lot going on in my dispute with Parkinson’s. I intend to beat that little bastard of a  disease if it kills me; so even when I  am exhausted, I keep pushing  so that I can feel l will never give in to PD. Never.

I saw my new neurologist just 2 weeks ago and we hit the ground running. I have a consultation with a deep brain stimulation specialist tomorrow afternoon. I am in a photo exhibit with 14 other photographers in 2 days. I need to get 3 photos from the lab in Midtown to the gallery in Tribeca. One of the photos is 5 feet wide. Right now, I am waiting for the lab to call. Oh…and I am writing this blog. And I am entering 2 calls for art from a lower eastside gallery looking for exhibit stuff to show and sell. That is enough change for a couple of weeks.

Not going to happen; instead, yesterday I met my new physical therapist. She called the night before and from her voice I was expecting a 50 ish woman with a rigid approach. There is nothing wrong with that. I like experienced people. Then who shows up is a 33 year old intelligent, charming, pleasant yet mature young lady who sings along with the music I play in my gym despite the fact that she could be my granddaughter (almost). Makes me feel young (almost). To top it off, she is experienced with treating both Parkinson’s AND neck, back and shoulder problems. She is now part of my team. Beating Parkinson's takes a team. Remember that. Based on what I have learned from her already, I believe every Parkinson's patient must have a physical therapist on her/his team.

She told me that I was not normal (but I knew that). She said normal for someone with PD is to not exercise and that it was hard to get PD patients to exercise, even when they know how important and effective it is. When I told her about my fitness program to combat PD, I could tell that she was amused.  

She critiqued my exercise routine and to my surprise found numerous deficiencies and problems, some of which could be contributing to my pain in the neck. I can’t wait to get rid of this pain. I would rather be pain in the neck than have one. My wife could argue that with half of that statement, I am already successful.
I will be seeing my therapist twice a week. When we establish a new program to keep me fit and loose the pain, we will explore boxing and tai chi as added therapy.
Please join me at the reception for my group photography exhibit Thursday (this week) Sept. 20 6 - 9 PM at One Art Space, 23 Warren Street, at Church Street, a few blocks North of the World Trade Center.
Photography exhibit


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