Saturday, September 8, 2018

This could end up in a lawsuit

I was right.

Everything I have been saying and writing about how exercise is the best defense against the advance and even the existence of Parkinson’s, including my seemingly overstated claims are now verified and documented by the Parkinson’s Foundation’s research. Here is a sampling:

1.     Exercise improves cognitive power and performance. That’s right. It helps you think clearly.

2.      Exercise forces the brain to create new neurotransmitters thereby countering PD and it’s annoying symptoms.

3.     Exercise makes dopamine work better.

4.     Exercise slows the progression of PD.

5.     Exercise improves concentration.

6.     Exercise improves memory.

7.     Exercise reduces depression and anxiety and

that’s not all. The Parkinson’s Foundation compares exercise to mandatory medicine that should be part of absolutely all  people’s PD fighting tools regardless of age.

It now baffles me more than ever that many GP’s and general neurologists continue to try to treat their PD patients without the expertise or training to handle this disease in it’s many manifestations. The result is that thousands of PD afflicted people are not being properly advised to exercise aggressively in order to minimize symptoms and slow the progression of PD. Isn’t there a rule or ethical code that requires doctors to send their patients to the more qualified specialists?

For me, this is the source of my outrage: The first four PD doctors of my 14 years of Parkinson’s never suggested exercise as a way to beat PD. I figured this out for myself. Why is that? How is that possible? I now have a book (or brochure) published by the Parkinson’s Foundation, Fitness Counts. If I were to write a book about my experience with PD AND I was infinitely smarter, more educated and trained, I would have written this book. I am, at least, gratified that this book exists. Everything that I have learned by trial and error is in this book. In addition, it goes well beyond what I could have known or figured out myself. Not once did any of my 4 prior doctors supposedly treating me for Parkinson’s ever mention anything about the topics covered so well in this book. The thought crosses my mind that I was denied a potentially better life by the neglect of my prior doctors who didn’t  care enough about my well being to get me this readily available information.

I note that they never missed collecting a copayment . Greedy fuckers.

I need to think some more about this.
Photos are of me working out and figuring out on my own that exercise is critical to fighting Parkinson's. After 14 years under the care of 4 neurologists, I found a publication  of the Parkinson's Foundation that describes everything I could have been doing to improve my physical condition had any of my doctors taken the proper course of my treatment and referred me to more qualified specialists who would have given me this free book or managed my exercise program.
Combating Parkinson's Decease with Exercise, Photography

Senior Combating Parkinson's Decease with Exercise, Photography
Senior Combating Parkinson's Decease with Exercise, Photography

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