Sunday, January 20, 2019

Lesson Learned

Read the last two blog entries so this one will make sense.

I am my own best doctor. Well, maybe not a licensed physician, but for sure the best option for my closest medical advisor... at least a key member of my medical team. I knew for years that whatever the doctors were prescribing for my neck pain did not work. Yet I deferred to the doctors' incompetent advice and did not insist on an MRI. I had the best information on the location, description, severity and initiators of the pain but allowed my doctors to impose their inaccurate diagnosis and followed their improper advice for pain management.

It never made sense to me. It still doesn't. The program that the doctors prescribed failed to work. They kept promising that it would. I knew it would not. I was right. They were wrong.

Lesson learned. Do not accept your doctor's diagnosis if you feel that it is wrong. Get a second or third opinion. Know your body; and the best way to get to know your body is to use it intensely. An exercise program accomplish this. Look at and feel your muscles. Test your strength. Observe your body. Know how it looks and feels. Take what you learn from this and use it. Because you are the most important member of your team, insist on doing what makes sense to you.

In my case, I underwent years of unnecessary pain and experienced several weeks I would not wish on anyone. (See my last two blogs.)

Yes. Lesson learned.

1 comment:

Hope said...

John, I love reading your blog. It is inspirational regardless of what your disabilities are - and we all have them one way or another.
Keep up the great work.
I hope to see you again soon.

Hope xx