Thursday, July 19, 2018


I'm learning about blogging by trial and error, but I am learning. I had to complete my Google profile before I had access some marketing tools by Blogger. Here is the picture I used as my profile pic. It is a photo of me in my home gym during a workout. I show this as a preview of coming attractions (sorry) that we will explore together, with the initial focus on exercise to combat Parkinson's. Ask your Parkinson's doctor about exercise. If he or she shrugs, fire them. They don't know about the most effective program to turn back symptoms? I did it and I'm still doing it. I will show you how I did it at first, what I learned through trial and error (again) and what I do now.

About those doctors without an exercise program for you? Just fire them.

Good night. I need  my rest so I can exercise effectively tomorrow.

Back to my experiences in the early, dark days of my Parkinson's later. You will find it morbidly interesting, if there is such a thing.  (There is. You will see.)

Like I said. Good night!


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