Sunday, October 14, 2018

I'm fine.

Why does everyone I know ask how I'm feeling in such a serious way? I appreciate your asking but do I really look that shitty? Am I just getting old... like everyone else? Or do I look worse than everyone else? Look. I feel fine. Not great, but fine. I haven't felt great since I was 22. Since then I have been the same, which is fine. And I still have had Parkinson's since the fall of 2004.

Oh, I get it! Since I started writing this blog, almost everyone I know now knows I have Parkinson's. That was not my purpose. It was and remains my purpose to help others with my approach to this disease which is to not give in to it.. Ever.

Most of the time I just ignore it. Or get pissed off at it. As an example, tonight I worked out in my gym for 2 hours as hard as anyone my age could. It's well after midnight, just posted a couple of photos on Instagram (LakeCharg) and I'm still feeling fine. Not great, but fine.

By the way, I hope you are fine also. Maybe even great. And thanks for asking. It makes me feel fine.

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