Sunday, August 26, 2018

I am still really pissed off at this!

If I’m going to preach to you and others with and without Parkinson’s disease about taking responsibility for an aggressive approach to fighting for your health, in my case the encroachment of PD symptoms, in your case maybe whatever is out to get you, then you expect me to practice what I preach. Right?

Well I’m on it. It seems to be time to take another step. While I have been pretty satisfied with my current PD doctor, he is a single practitioner who is very good at designing the just right balance of medications but is totally focused there. Because of the effectiveness of my intense physical fitness program with reversing almost all symptoms as they tried to occur, I have been able to minimize the impact of Parkinson’s on my daily life so far

But now, before things get beyond my control, I want a more balanced program that attacks PD before it knows I’m coming at it.  So I have been looking for a comprehensive Parkinson’s medical group. to help me continue to kick the shit out of PD.  In this search I have noticed the growth of “centers of excellence” (COE) , a designation by the Parkinson’s Disease Institute, for the treatment of Parkinson’s and movement disorders. 

These COE’s  encompass all or most of the specialties I am looking to have available when and if I need them including  Parkinson’s neurology expertise,, physical therapy, physical training, speech pathology, , neuropsychology, diet and genetic analysis and treatment trials. While I am pleased to find this resource in my backyard, New York City, the bigger question is why does it  continue to be incumbent on a Parkinson’s disease person to uncover this type of help? With all due respect to qualified Parkinson’s doctors and those organizations raising funds supporting PD research, clinical trials, etc., there is a communication problem that needs addressing and it requires focusing on those practitioners not qualified to treat Parkinson’s patients.

Why do so many general practitioner doctors and general neurologists untrained in the treatment of Parkinson’s ignore the needs of their Parkinson’s afflicted patients and continue to provide inadequate medical advice. The more I think about this, the more pissed off I get. Bear with me while I try to refocus away from anger.

Okay. I’m refocused. (Not really. But I tried.)

I’m not bashful when it comes to fighting to make sure I get the best chance of living as well as I can. I have stuck an elbow here and there as necessary. As a result, I have nothing to complain about when it comes to PD. Not so for so many others. I don’t even want to think about how many PD people sit in nursing homes when this may not be necessary at all. If it is more than zero, it’s way too many. I am happy to share what I learn in my daily PD battle. Please  help me by sharing my posts and following this blog. You never know whom you might help and how that simple act may pay itself forward.

But at this moment, I’m still pissed off.

 The 9-11 Museum.

911 Museum photography
911 Museum more at

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