Monday, August 6, 2018

I’m so vain, I probably think this song is about me

Before you get frustrated that you do not see a reduction or elimination of Parkinson’s disease symptoms after a  couple of weeks of intense workouts, keep in mind that my success was built on a body that had spent a lifetime getting ready for this challenge through constant fitness activity (and an excess amount of vanity). Not to mention 14 years of trying to get it right.

Don’t get discouraged at all. You will get there on your own schedule. Try being vain by looking at yourself in a mirror and telling yourself that you see improvement in your biceps, triceps or any other muscle you happen to fancy. Get a hold of a book on body building and fixate on growing big muscles. If you are normal, you won’t be able to even come close, but I guaranty that even if you are 85, you can grow muscles and strength and improve your physique, feel better physically and feel good mentally because you are vain like me.

Also, do not underestimate the amount of commitment and pure over-the-top dedication your program of beating Parkinson’s disease at it’s own nasty little game will take. It will be the most effort you will have ever put into a physical and mental endeavor and you will need to endure a lot of pain. But in the end, you will also get more satisfaction than you will ever otherwise feel. You will be doing something no one else will ever understand, unless, God forbid, they take Parkinson’s home for a permanent visit.

That’s my pep talk for this point in anticipation (and hope) that at least one person is being motivated to get moving and regain the parts of their lives they once thought they would never experience again. Because now they can.

So please share this blog with someone who can use it. For everyone else, take from it whatever you like. Thanks for reading this.

Downtown Dalla Texas Photography
Photo is downtown Dallas.

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