Sunday, August 5, 2018

Nobody is getting out of here alive.

While I am a fanatic about fighting, resisting, kicking the shit out of and staring down Parkinson’s disease and I get carried away with maintaining and building muscles as a way to prove it to myself and anyone who will listen, I understand this is a futile spec of dust in the grand scheme of things. There are different ways to express it. Like the title of this blog. Nobody is getting out of here alive. The “here” referred to is this planet. There is a number, which is probably slightly over a hundred, that represents the number of years it will take before every living human creature now alive, including all people born in the last few hours, will no longer be alive. Dwell on that for a second.

Sorry. I didn’t mean to put a damper on the beautiful day. (I hope the pretty flower makes up for it.) What I am saying is that Parkinson’s is a challenge, but so is life. And everyone has a similar challenge even if you think you do not. If you are old, you will likely get sick before you die, and then you die. If you are young, you will soon be old. And then you will likely get sick and then you die.(Younger folks think being young is
permanent. It is not. . It is actually a lot less permanent than you think. You will realize this when you wake up in a couple of days and say “where was I when I was getting old?”

Sorry, but there are no other options available. What I am getting to is that you have only a finite time to live the rest of your life. I want to do things that I haven’t yet done. I don’t want Parkinson’s to get in my way. So that is why I am a little insane (maybe more than a little) about not letting PD slow me down.

And I need all the tricks and advice I can get. And when I can pass on anything helpful to others, if you would share it, it will help too. Thanks for helping me keep it in perspective but keeping it important at the same time.

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