Wednesday, August 29, 2018

My doctor called me a beast.

Last week I saw a new pain management doctor for a chronic pain in the neck. (Not a person, i.e., Not this:  “that guy is a pain in the neck.”. I mean an actual pain in my neck.)  Doc thinks the pain is from muscle spasms. He did an evaluation of my overall strength and conditioning before injecting lidocaine and steroids into my shoulder muscles. He said they were in constant spasm, which can be a Parkinson’s symptom. There is no way to be sure of why these muscles spasm.

While Doc was checking my strength he asked me to push him away from me towards the wall. I did what he asked. I think I took him by surprise as he flew across the room. He then called me a “beast.” He said he meant it as a compliment and I knew that; but it was also confirmation that I am accomplishing something with my intense exercising that surprises even my  doctor. I’m happy to be a beast. Try it. It feels good!
George Washington Bridge at the Manhattan night skyline, photography
George Washington Bridge at the Manhattan night skyline

Doc said there were no limitations to any exercise I wanted to try, other than that imposed by the pain levels in my neck. So I am free to crank it up with my TRX system.

Well he did say to avoid juggling bowling balls. (He had a sense of humor.) Don’t repeat this but I’m going to try that once the pain in the neck is gone (the actual pain. Not the person.) 

Photo is taken looking under the George Washington Bridge at the Manhattan night skyline in the distance. More at

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