Monday, August 20, 2018

Read about a trade I would make all day long.

I’m going to assume that, if you have PD,  (and of course you are reading this blog), by now you are at least in the  early stages of figuring out how to exercise to effect maximum available benefit. Actually, you can and should do that even if you do not (yet) have Parkinson’s just in case you do come down with it at some point in the future. You never know.

Symptoms you can expect to reduce or eliminate with exercise may include limp leg (not a medical term, but you can figure it out), general muscle weakness, tremors of various types, inability to move your body in bed, a  limp handshake (hate shaking a limp hand. So does just about everyone else.), poor sexual performance, (AKA limp dick? sorry. Could not resist.) (Denied by virtually every male animal on Earth. I just wonder who is buying all those little blue pills. Must be our friends.)  tripping and stumbling, shortness of breath, insomnia and, although not a symptom and more like a consequence, feeling badly about your overall physical appearance. Plus, sometimes you can’t tell if certain physical deterioration is from PD or simply aging. Doesn't matter to me either way because I believe that exercise slows down the aging process  as well as Parkinson’s.  

I bet you can get a sense of feeling what it is like to have Parkinson’s if you can imagine what it would be like to go to sleep at 60 years old and suddenly you wake up and find that you are 80 with all its accompaniments. It might take you only  a couple of months to acquire all the infirmities of 80 years of age as Parkinson’s symptoms.   That’s how fast some people pick up the symptoms of PD. But not if you exercise intensely. That is a promise. And if you have PD and are capable of exercise but choose to not exercise, close the blog. I don't speak that language.

If I had not been in pretty good shape 14 years ago  when my Parkinson's first came calling and started to increase the intensity of my exercise as symptoms started, shifted or progressed, I would not have been able to live my life exactly as I would have had I not had Parkinson’s. The “net net” is that for me, exercise mostly cancelled out Parkinson’s effect on me.. Now that’s a trade that I would make all day long.

NYC Urban Images, photography
NYC Urban Images 

That is my reality. It is why I write this blog. In my next post, I will let you in on what I have been experiencing with symptoms recently, what I have done in response and the results so far.

Before I forget, I have an active photography web site where you can see my photos (mostly architecture and other urban images). If you see something that you like, send me a message or email and we can discuss.  The site is

The photo shown with this post is from my library. Enjoy.

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