Friday, August 24, 2018

My favorite and least favorite Parkinson's disease symptoms

Brooklyn Bridge taken across from the Manhattan Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge taken across from the Manhattan Bridge

Yes, boys and girls. I do have a favorite Parkinson’s symptom. It is the loss of smell. I appreciate losing this sense whenever I get on a very crowded New York City subway car on a hot and humid summer day. A rare benefit of having the disease.

Least favorite symptom. The loss of my sense of balance, especially on a crowded New York City subway car (again) if I lose my grip on the pole and end up crashing on top of the people next to me. So far, when that has happened once or twice or so, in unconventional style, my fellow New Yorkers seem to understand. They just prop me back up and continue to listen to their Spotify mix, like nothing happened. Nobody says a word. I do the same. I act like everybody should know that I do that once in a while, so get over it. (Sometimes tourists get startled when I fall on them. What is wrong with these people?)

Like I always say, it is what it is, so deal with it. Complaining doesn’t change a thing.

Photo is another of my favorites taken from the Manhattan Bridge looking across to the Brooklyn Bridge and a tourist boat. Extraordinary detail and color. Printed on metal.
More at  photography website:

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